I was given a vision after watching Dune (2021), Personal Work.

Album cover (left) for a Boswell Sisters album in my collection, the original of which (right) was utilizing a poor quality image of the sisters and looked out of place in my music library, Personal Work.
Informative graphic posted on social media to quickly and comedically discuss the impacts of Non-Fungible Tokens and the "art" associated with them, Personal Work.
Pinback buttons with tongue-in-cheek card backing, Personal Work.
Letterhead created in response to the mass outrage over the minimalisation of Discord's logo in May 2021, Personal Work.
A sign escape room players can hold once they escape The Sasquatch Research Camp at Mountain Room Escapes, Client Work.
Header image for Murder at the Sasquatch Research Institute, a drive-in murder mystery at Mountain Room Escapes, Client Work.
Header and background image for the online mystery puzzle game created by me for Mountain Room Escapes, The International Sasquatch Research Institute, Client Work.
Fake letter from President Trump to President Biden parodying the letter from that one SNL sketch from 15 years ago using a font based on Donald Trump's handwriting, Personal Work.
Fake Netflix screenshot for a fake movie about Steve Buscemi's death in an alternate reality during 9/11 as a call-back to an inside joke with a friend, Personal Work.