A replica of a rare Edison novelty that depicts the transformation of one image to another, as if by magic. Having only images of the front and back and no access to the original, I used the original patent to figure out exactly how to make it work and original Edison artwork. You can see how an original operates here., Personal Work.
A replica of an early 1920s record sleeve I made by scanning and cleaning an original to make my own experience of playing records on a Victrola a little more authentic, Personal Work.
A set of stereographic cards packaged in a sleeve for a fictitious wax cylinder tour of the Arboretum at Cal State Fullerton, the images on the cards are of various plants and locations within the arboretum, Personal Work.
An unused cover design for a map designed for a graphic design class for a wax cylinder guided tour of the Fullerton Arboretum. The title was inspired by the lithographed typography of maps made by The Sanborn Map Company in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The emphasis on the title rather than the branding for the fake service, which was supposed to be the main focus, meant I needed to scrap the title entirely in favor of enlarging the logo. I personally love the work I put into it, though, and I didn't want it to go unseen, Personal Work.
Replica of an early Lucky Strike package with the logo completely reconstructed from the original, Personal Work.
Informational price tag I made for a phonograph I was selling on consignment based on an original ad from the 1920s for the very same brand of phonograph, Personal Work.
Booklet cover design, Personal Work.